Bitlife Simulator

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BitLife simulation is a life game developed by Candywriter, allowing you to control a virtual character's life from birth to death you make decisions that influence your character's education, career, relationships, and more

BitLife Simulator Unblocked is a fun and very popular life simulation Unblocked game that includes happiness, health, smarts, looks, age, relationships, etc. Start with a new life. In this game, you live a virtual life with a character. You have the option to do things that will affect your whole life like going to school, going to college, doing a job, making relationships, or you can ruin your life by doing wrong things. Now you have to apply your decisions properly in this game and see how successful you are in your virtual life. BitLife Simulator is an unblocked game that you can play on an Android PC with the help of Classroom 6x by easily accessing it in school, office, or at home.

BitLife Life Simulator is a text-based game created by Candywriter LLC. and you will try to control the life of a stranger from beginning to end, it is very easy and fun to play, and you can play it online for free with the help of a mouse

BitLife assets and activities


  • Houses (Real Estate): You can buy different types of houses and properties, from apartments to mansions.
  • Vehicles (Vehicles): You can buy different types of vehicles, such as cars, bikes, or boats.
  • Pets: You can get pets for your character, such as dogs, cats, or exotic animals.
  • Gold, Bonds, Shares (Investments): You can invest your money, which can increase your future income.


  • Relationships: You can build and manage relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners.
  • Education: You can enroll in and study at school and college, and earn degrees.
  • Career: You can pursue different careers, such as becoming a doctor, lawyer, or businessman.
  • Leisure Activities: You can do hobbies and activities in your free time, such as watching movies, vacationing, or going to the gym.
  • Crime: You can engage in illegal activities such as theft, robbery, or smuggling, but this can have consequences.
  • Health and Fitness: You can take care of your health by visiting a doctor, doing yoga, and following a diet.

The game begins with a character that is randomly created and has a unique set of circumstances, including name, gender, nationality, and family history. Build your online existence that throws both opportunities and obstacles into your virtual life

Getting Start Bit Life Simulator

In Bit Life Simulator, you create your character's life. You customize your character by choosing attributes such as name, gender, and nationality. Then, you make decisions at every stage of life - such as studies, career, relationships, and hobbies - that shape your future life. You also have to take care of your character's happiness and health, so that there is a balance between your personal life and career.

We have given you all the necessary information related to this game and useless information has been filled out online without any reason but to know completely about the game, play this game. It will remove your boredom anywhere in school, at home, or office and will give you a joyful experience. If you like this game, then share it with friends and family members, and definitely like the game.

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