Barry Has a Secret (Unblocked) | Free Online Game, Play Now
Created on 29 October, 2024 • Popular Games • 1 minutes read
In Barry Has a Secret, you will enjoy a unique meal-hiding simulation that is different from anything else in the market. The game has some mature and disturbing elements like a little blood and violent content, so it is recommended for an audience of 14+. The game has some strange and funny scenarios that will make you laugh as well as be surprised. Along with this, you will also get physics-based puzzles and weird controls that provide a unique gameplay experience. Barry Has a Secret uses a 'gaze system' and inverse kinematics which make the item interactions realistic and challenging. This game is still a work-in-progress and with new chapters the total gameplay time can extend up to 5-10 hours.
How to Play
The game controls are quite interesting. You have multiple options to hide objects, and unique physics is applied to move each item. You have to control Barry's actions and arm movements so you can pick, move, and hide objects. You can interact with objects as soon as you see them through the gaze system, but be a little careful because the police is also watching! In this game your mission is to hide the hidden things smartly, so try to keep calm and manage cleverly so that no one gets suspicious.